Currently, the number of offered massages with the most diverse focus is really versatile. You can choose exactly the one that suits you, such as erotic, sports, sensual, relaxing, meditative and similar. Massage with lava stones is currently one of the most popular types of massages, which are still actively sought after and their popularity is constantly growing, one could say at a dizzying pace in some periods. It is also one of those types of massages through which people get to know and gain an insight into the world of massages through these massages intended primarily for beginners.


Their task is to acquaint people with the process and generally introduce them to the program itself and the process of how such massages take place and in what sign and spirit they are carried. Massage with lava stones is similar to Swedish massage in many ways, and just like in other cases of massages, the goal of massages with hot lava stones is absolute relaxation of the body, muscles, release of their tension, or pain, whether chronic or pain from recent injuries. Compared to other massages, lava stone massage is a typical type in that the customer does not come into direct contact with the masseur, because he only touches him with lava stones and not directly with his hands.


Aromatherapy massage is aimed not only at relaxing the body, but also the mind. As the name implies, fragrant essential oils are used in this massage, because the role of aromatherapy massage is to stimulate the sense of smell and thus even more intensive relaxation of the body. Erotic massage is its own type of massage. It is a very intimate, intense type of massage, very intimate. It also has the task of stimulating the sensory organs, and thus erotic massages are a very effective aphrodisiac, which is increasingly sought after over time. It is popular with both men and women.

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